There is a shift happening in the Drupal community that is changing the way we store and interact with content.
New tools are arising that are changing the editorial experience from a field based topic oriented content architecture with a rigid structure, which often resulted in large unstructured blobs of content inside those fields. To a more flexible model where structured data is used to augment stories. An architecture in which structured content is embedded in the narrative flow of the content.This session is about mapping in Drupal.
It will explain how to install and create your first map using the Openlayers 3.x module.
Getting started with Drupal can seem scary. There is so much to learn and developers speak a language that sounds like they come from an other universe sometimes.
It is the number one deployed module for drupal 7 and it will be available in core for drupal 8. Off course, I'm talking about views!
This is a talk about a rescue-project journey which includes Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 data migration, geolocation and the migration of a custom CRM to RedHen CRM (the red chicken).
What is it like to take on a rescue project? Where do you start? Why take on such a project? What skills/people do you need? What does Drupal 8 have to do with this? These are just several of many questions, I'd like to share our aproach to the challenge and give insight in the tools and techniques used.
If you are working with Drupal 7 and you want to know how to do it in Drupal 8, this is your session!
Drupal 8's new and improved multilingual tools open a world of translation capabilities for users of the Lingotek Translation contribution module for Drupal.